Marriage Astrology

Intercaste Marriage and Love Marriage Astrology
5 Jan

Intercaste Marriage and Love Marriage Astrology

What does intercaste marriage means?

Marriage of a boy and girl belonging to same religion but different caste is called inter caste marriage. Like marriage between a Brahmin and a Rajput or A Vaishya and a Brahmin will be an intercaste marriage. Intercaste marriage in most of the cases happens to be a love marriage.

What does inter religion marriage means?

Marriage of a boy and a girl belonging to different religion is called inter-religion marriage. Like marriage between a Hindu and a Muslim or a Christian and a Hindu or a Christian and a Muslim will be an inter religion marriage.

Why a taboo for inter caste marriage?

Many parents are not comfortable with their children going for inter caste and inter religion marriage. They believe that each caste and religion has its own culture, customs and traditions and a marriage which is considered a sacred long term relationship in India can be sustained if customs and thinking of a couple match with each other. But children of next generation hold modern views and don’t bother much about customs and traditions while choosing a life partner. This has its own pros and cons. With the help of Vedic astrology it can be easily found out whether the tendency of intercaste marriage is there in the native’s horoscope or not.

Love Marriage

The concept of marriage is undergoing vast change in India and trend is shifting from arranged marriages to love marriages. Now-a-days, love marriage is easily accepted concept except in a few communities, not like in olden days, when people were afraid to exhibit their love. Intercaste marriage in most of the cases happens to be a love marriage.
A very common question arises in young people’s mind, whether they will go for love marriage or arranged marriage? This is where astrology may be helpful.

Planetary Combinations for Marriage and Married Life.

In the horoscope of a native 7th house is considered as house of spouse, marriage and married life, 2nd house and its lord represents family and 12th house and its lord represents bed pleasures. In a male horoscope 7th house, 7th lord and planet Venus represents wife. In a female horoscope 7th house, 7th lord and planet Jupiter represents husband. The 9th house, 9th lord and planet Jupiter signify the religion. If these houses and their lords are afflicted with malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars the native may marry outside its caste and religion

Analysis of Navamsa chart is also important to predict about love and intercaste marriage as Navamsa chart tells everything about native’s life partner. When Navamsa lord is afflicted with malefic planets, marriage may happen with the different caste person. If Navamsa lord relates to a benefic planet marriage will happen with upper caste person. If Navamsa lord is same as your ascendant lord, marriage usually happens in same caste.

Some of planetary combinations in a horoscope indicating tendency for intercaste marriage are as follow:

  1. Aspect of Rahu on the 7th house and its lord.
  2. Placement of Venus and Rahu in 6th and 11th house
  3. Moon and Mars in 6-8 position
  4. Mars and Venus in 2-12 position
  5. Mars and 7th lord conjunction aspected by Venus
  6. Saturn and 7th lord conjunction in the 12th house
  7. Aspect of malefic planets on the 7th house, its lord and Jupiter.

Some of planetary combinations in a horoscope indicating tendency for love marriage are as follow:

  1. The Lagna Lord having some relation with 5th and 7th house or its lords.
  2. The Lord of 7th and 9th house in 7th house indicates love marriage.
  3. Moon & Venus in 7th house indicate love affairs/Marriage
  4. Any connection between 5th and 7th lord like conjunction, mutual aspects or house exchange indicates love marriage.
  5. If Rahu aspects Venus or Jupiter it indicate love affairs.
  6. Mars and Venus conjunction in 5th, 7th, 9th or 11th house indicates love affairs.
  7. If Mars conjunct or aspected by Rahu or Saturn then it leads to love affairs.
  8. If 7th house or its lord co-joined with Saturn or aspected by Saturn then it indicates love affairs.
  9. If mars and 7th lord are aspected by or conjunct with Saturn, then it indicates love marriage.
  10. Rahu conjunct or aspect Mars then leads to love affairs.

Rahu plays a major role in Love Marriage and Inter Caste Marriage. When well placed Rahu influence the 5th house and 5th lord, the relationship goes long and ends up with marriage. If Rahu is afflicted or debilitated relationship may ends unexpectedly.

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