2016 Horoscope

Moon Sign Based Predictions

The Vedic Astrology system prescribes predictions based on Moon Sign for more accuracy. The yearly horoscope for the year 2016 presented here are based on Moon sign. Transits of slow moving planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu were considered for predication. Transits of fast moving planets like Sun, Mars, Venus and Mercury is generally considered for monthly horoscope.

Major planetary transits during the year are as follow:


Rahu will transit to Leo and Ketu will transit sign Aquarius from January30, 2016 onwards.


Saturn will be in Scorpio throughout the year 2016. It will become retrograde on March 25, 2016. Saturn will be in forward motion on August 13, 2016. Saturn Sade sati effect will be observed by natives of Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius Moon sign.


Jupiter will be in Leo during the start of 2016. Jupiter and Rahu conjunction will happen in February 2016. Jupiter will be in retrograde motion on January 08, 2016. Jupiter will resume forward motion on May 09, 2016. Jupiter will change sign and will enter Virgo sign on August 11, 2016


Mars will pass through 5 zodiac sings during the ear from Libra to Aquarius. Mars will be retrograde from April 17, 2016 to June 29, 2016.


Moon sign horoscope for Aries shows an average year. First half of the year will be good as compared to second half. In the first half of the year you will experience increase in your creative abilities. Happiness with children will also be good. There may be expansion of the family as well. Friends and relatives will not be supportive. Family life would be stressful. After August period will be good for career and new areas will open up. Aries people will face challenges in the professional and work related progress throughout the year and things may worsen between March to August when Saturn will be retrograde. Good period for research related activities and hence professionals involved in research may excel in their field. Hard and committed efforts will be required at work place to yield favorable results. For students, year 2016 will be good as they may excel in competitive exams and go for higher studies.

This year bring vary active thinking related to love and relationship but take the final decision related to love and marriage matters carefully. Period between Feb to June is no good for married life. You should avoid controversy and fights with your partner or in marriage matters during this time. You may get benefited from foreign lands. Expenses will be high but in control. Inclination towards meditation and spirituality is indicated.

Shani Dhaiyya (2.5 years period of Saturn in 8th house also called as Ashtma Shani) is running which may give problems at work place and in family life. So be careful.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman


Second half of the year will be good as compared to first half. Overall year 2016 will be good. You will get support of family, children and friends. Health of mother could be a concern. You may not be satisfied with the atmosphere at work place and may think of changing the job. YOU need to put lot of efforts to bring results at work place. Colleagues may try to harm your reputation. Collaborated efforts will bring you results this year. Avoid any changes in the professional front. This year can be considered good for financial matters. You may incline to investing in share market particularly after August 2016. This year will be favorable for those who wish to marry and planning for a baby. Jupiter in fifth house after July 2016 will give opportunities of relationship. The second half of the year could promise a new relationship as well as marriage. However, relations with the spouse may be stressful particularly in the months of November and December so avoid unnecessary arguments and stay cool. You should be careful and should avoid misunderstandings otherwise married life will be stressful.

There could be health problems related to stomach. You may face blood and heart related issues. For students the year 2016 will be average and they will be able to focus on studies after July 2016. Last quarter of the year will be stressful.

Remedies: Worship Lord Vishnu


The year 2016 will be good for you. This is the year of progress. First of the year may not be favorable for family matters. Things will change after July and Family life will be enjoyful and supportive. You will get support of family members, children and friends. You will get respect and rewards at work place. You will get support of superiors and higher authorities as well colleagues. You may get promoted during the second half of the year. Enemies will not be able to harm you. You may get chance to travel to foreign lands. Your ability to work very hard and overcome competition will be one of the major reasons of progress in career progress. You will feel courageous and will be willing to work hard between Feb to June due to effect of Mars but this may lead to increase in anger also. You may get chance of going abroad in the month of June. You should be cautious during retrogression of Saturn which will be between March and August, 2016. Be cooperative and understand the concerns of others also.

As for as financial matters are concerned this year will be favorable. You will get support of family members in financial matters. For students year is good and they will be able to focus on studies. Students should avoid indulging in fun activities. You may think of purchasing house and vehicle after August. Second half of the year is not good for love life. Misunderstandings may crop up in relationships. Relations with spouse may be strained. You need to be careful about fights and arguments with spouse during November and December. Health will be good throughout the year. You should be careful about your health during the first and last quarter of the year.

Remedies: Worship Lord Ganesha


For cancer moon sign natives first year will be favorable while the second half of the year will be unfavorable. You will experience mixed results in family matters. You should avoid harsh language while dealing with the family members otherwise your harsh language may become the reason for strained relations in the family. Second half of the year will be unfavorable for family matters and you may not get full support of the family. Health of children may get affected. In career also your will not get desired results. You will not get support of superiors and colleagues at work place. Change in place and long distance travel is indicated. You should be careful and avoid making any major changes and taking any major risk related to work. The year is not good for financial matters also. You will not be satisfied with your financial position.

You should avoid investing in share market. Taking loans will also be difficult. Misunderstandings may crop up in relationships and love matters which may lead to break up also. Married life will also be difficult due to strained relation with the spouse. This year will be more challenging in terms of marriage matters. Last quarter of the year will bring more trouble so you should be cautious. Health may be affected adversely and you may get stomach related problems. For students this year will not be favorable and they may feel difficult to concentrate on their studies.

Remedies: Worship Lord Shiva


The year 2016 will give good results as for as family matters are concerned. Family life will be enjoyful and supportive in the second half of the year. Transit of Rahu and Saturn Dhaiyya may give unnecessary tensions in family matters. This year will be better as compared to previous year as for as career is concerned. You will get new opportunities in career. There may be possibility of change of job or relocation at workplace. Changes at work environment would continue to bother you and you may feel uneasy. You may feel lethargic at work place. You should avoid any activity involving partnership. The second half of the year should be very beneficial for career growth. Year 2016 will be average for students. They may feel exhausted and lack concentration on studies.

Misunderstanding in relations may lead to stressful married life. There could be a difference of opinion with spouse that could bring down the level of happiness that you are likely to achieve in relationships. Financial position will be favorable. You should be careful while investing in real estate as possibilities of loss in real estate and property is indicated. For health year 2016 will be good. You may face joints and stomach related problems at the end of the year.

Shani Dhaiyya (2.5 years period of Saturn in 4th house) is running which may give problems at work place and in family life. So be careful.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman


For Virgo moon sign people the year 2016 will be a good year. As for as family matters are concerned this year is not good for Virgo people. You will remain disturbed. First half of the year is not good for family matters. Try to maintain good relations with elders. Health of children may get affected. For career this year will be good and favorable. Hard work will lead to good outcome. You will get new opportunities at the work place and environment would be supportive for effective functioning. Secret competitors or opponents could also affect you during this time but they will not be able to harm you. Authorities and colleagues will be helpful to you. You may get promoted after some obstacles in the second half of the year. You will get interest in religious activites. For students this year will be average. Period after August is favorable for students but dedication and commitment is required for proper concentration on studies. Financial position also will become strong and period after August is more favorable. Expenditure will be towards higher side particularly during the first half of the year. Loans will be available easily.

For love and married life first half of the year is not good but second half of the year will be favorable. Misunderstandings in the married life and relations will lead to disturbed married and love life. Be polite, flexible and humble for a better relationship. Health will be good throughout the year. Problems in the abdomen region and joints are indicated.

Remedies: Worship Lord Ganesha and Recite Vishnu Sahasranamas


Overall the year 2016 will be good. You will get support of the family, friends and children. Health of children may be a concern. This year will be favorable for career and finance. You will get support of superiors and colleagues and your will get appreciated leading to rewards in the career. It is a time for you to find new opportunities and you will get support from various sources. You need to work hard to get desired results. Your financial position will remain strong throughout the year. Income will rise substantially particularly in the month of September and October. Trading in share market should be avoided.

The year will be good for students. Love and married life will be smooth in general. Health will be good throughout the year. Chances of going abroad are there. Be careful in the second half of the year and avoid problematic situations.

Last phase of Sade Sati is operative due to which you may feel emotionally week, problems at work place and strained relations at home but nothing to worry as this phase will not be that obstructive.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman


It will be a good year as for as family matters are concerned. You will get support of family and children. Happiness from children is also indicated after August. Health of the children may be a concern during the first half of the year. For students this year will be a average year. First half of the year is not good while in the second half students will be able to concentrate more on their studies.

This year will be average as for as career is concerned. You need to work hard to get desired results. Despite of opposition you will be able to manage due to your hard work. You should be careful in the second half of the year as you will feel more obstacles at the work place during that time. There could be major changes at work. Financial position will be good. If you wish to take loan for investment in property this is the right time. Property disputes may be there. Also keep check on your expenses and avoid company of bad people. Married life will not be smooth. Misunderstandings in relationship may crop up leading to unnecessary arguments and fights. You should be careful particularly during the first half of the year. Health will also be affected and you may feel lack of energy sometimes.

Second phase of Sade Sati is operative due to which you may feel obstacles at the work place and misunderstandings in the married life.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman 


You will get mixed results in family matters. First half of the year may create problems in the relations but second half of the year would be better. You should avoid unnecessary arguments with family members. Health of the children may get affected but they will perform well in their studies. For students this year will be good. Transits of planets are favorable during the first half of the year.

Financial position will not be that good. Success at workplace is indicated and your work will get recognition. During the first half of the year there could be minor losses and obstacles in work. Starting from the August you will get new opportunities at work place which will give clear direction of career growth. You need to work hard to get desired results. You will get inclined towards spirituality, religious activities and meditation. Heavy expenditure and financial loss is indicated by transit of planets. There may be expenses on medical treatments particularly hospitalization. There are chances of foreign travel also. Love and married life will be good particularly first of the year will be more favorable.

For health this year will give average results. You will experience mental tension due to unknown fears and pain in legs. Health of father will also get affected.

Last phase of Sade Sati is operative due to which you may feel delays and obstructions in the work and strained relations with the father.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman 


This year will be favorable for you. The second half of the year would be better than the first half. This year will be good for family matters. You will get support and cooperation from family members. Financial position will be strong. You will make efforts for increasing your earnings and you hard work will give you the results also. Expenses will also be high and you will face difficulty in repayment of loans if you have taken any.

You will get support of seniors and colleagues at the work place. Environment at work place will be good and you will get rewards of your hard work. You may get promoted. You might get benefited from overseas sources as well as long distance travels. Second half of the year will bring new opportunities in career. You should not try for easy money. You should be careful in the first half of the year. First half of the year is also not good for students. They have to work hard to get desired results in studies. Second half will be good for students.

Love and married life will be good particularly after August 2016. This year will be good for health related matters. You may face stomach related problems at the end of the year. You should be careful in the last quarter of the year as you may face obstructions and mental tension during this period.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman 


This year will be good for overall progress. You will get support of family members and friends. Transit of Ketu will give tension in family matters. You should try to remain calm and don’t indulge in arguments with family members. Second half of the year is not good for family matters.

For career first of the year will give favorable results. There are chances of rewards and promotions in the career. You will get support of superiors and authorities. Second half of the year will not be that good for career. Your opponent will try to harm you. There is possibility of job change also. Avoid making any permanent changes in your career till August. Keep working hard and do not take wrong decision due to anger.

Your financial position may get affected in the second half of the year. Expenses will be high. For students this year will give good results. In the second half of the year student may lack interest in studies.

Married life will be smooth. Some misunderstanding may prevail sometimes. Those who are making plan to get married first half of the year is providing such auspicious opportunity. Health will be good except minor ailments at the end of the year due to stress.

Remedies: Worship Lord Hanuman


The first half of the year will not be good for family matters as you will not get support of family members. Second half of the year will give good results and you will be satisfied.

First half of the year is also not good for career. You will experience obstructions at work place. Colleagues and seniors will not support you. Opponents will try to harm you but you will be able to manage the situation. Be careful about legal issues. Deal with trusted people only. Expenditure on health related matters will be on rise. Avoid taking loans during this time. Only hard work and dedicated efforts can give desired results. You may plan to go to foreign land or change your current place. For students second half of the year will be give good results while in the first half of the year they will lack concentration in studies.

First half of the year is not favorable for love and married life. The situation will improve in the second half of the year and you will experience smooth married life August onwards. You may experience mental tension and joint related problems during the year but overall health will be good. Health of father may be of concern.

Remedies: Recite Vishnu Sahasranamas